Friday, September 21, 2012

Shaking Hands and Communicating

It's been a good week as I have been out meeting people and talking with them about Otsego and what they like and what they want to see changed.

                 This photo was taken one morning in early September at the VFW park in Otsego.
             The sun was not quite above the horizon and the fog shrouded the playground equipment.

Communications between the city and its residents and businesses is the lynch pin of my campaign for City Council. I believe the city can do a much better job of communicating with its key groups, and do so with a  minimal investment of dollars.

The City's updated web site is nice, and has a lot of information, but I think it can be kept more current and when there are updates to the site people can be notified. The city's quarterly newsletter is posted on the website, but there is not a list of people that wish to receive it by email. The city sends its newsletters out using first class mail....there is now an option from the post office that allows people to spend just 14 1/2 cents to have the mail delivered.

Right now the only way to see and hear what is happening at a council meeting is to actually be in the room. There is no cable broadcast or internet broadcast of the meetings.  I believe this should change...and yes it will take money to make this change.  However when you look at this as an investment that will be in place for 10 or more years, the dollars necessary to make this change will be well spent.

I'd like to hear more from you the residents and business owners here in Otsego. Let me know what you think of the way the city is being operated and what changes you think are needed.

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